鉴于目前全国新冠疫情形势依旧复杂严峻,为继续贯彻落实“外防输入,内防反弹”的总策略和“动态清零”总方针,严格落实北京市各项疫情防控措施,我们非常遗憾地宣布:原定于2022年12月9日-11日在北京国家会议中心举办的“第十七届亚洲运动用品与时尚展(ISPO Beijing 2022)”将延期举办。延期调整方案细节在与各方沟通后将另行通知。
Dear Exhibitors, Visitors, Medias, and ISPO Partners,
Considering the current epidemic situation of Beijing Municipality is still severely ongoing, in order to continuously follow Government issued strategy of “preventing imported cases and resurgence of indigenous outbreak” and overall policy of "dynamic zero clearing”, strictly adopt all the epidemic control measures of Beijing Municipality, we regret to announce that ISPO Beijing, scheduled from 9 to 11 Dec, 2022 at China National Convention Center, Beijing will be postponed, to protect the health and safety of our exhibitors and visitors, and the general public. Further information in relation to reschedule will be released separately.
Doing a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic, preventing cross-infection of the public, ensuring everyone's health and safety and the effectiveness of exhibitors' participation is always our most concerned and most important task in the face of the epidemic. We will keep a close eye on the epidemic and actively coordinate with all parties for the new schedule and further arrangement.
Messe Muenchen Shanghai Co., Ltd.
ISPO China team